Acupuncture Therapy to Get Relief From Migraines
Migraine is a disorder that affects the blood vessels in the head, causing pain and other symptoms like nausea, sometimes accompanied by visual disturbances, sensitivity to light, tingling or numbness in the extremities, and an altered sense of smell.
The pain of a migraine is caused by a complex set of neurological events, including over-activity in the brain’s “pain” center, which triggers an intense headache. The body’s response to a migraine is to release chemicals such as serotonin, histamine, and prostaglandins that cause inflammation and pain in the brain.
By stimulating specific points on the body with acupuncture needles on various pressure points situated on the neck and head parts of the body, acupuncturists help to balance these chemicals and reduce inflammation.
These needles will release several hormones, including endorphins and dopamine, that stimulate the circulatory system of the body to help weaken headache pain.